Category: Uncategorized

  • ~ Meditation

    ~ Meditation

    Essential Point: Meditation is not something you “Do” – it is the Realization of Being, in which you merge with your essential Self in the Still state of No-Mind. Overview: Meditation is not something you “Do” – it is the realization of Being, in which you “Do” Nothing. In fact,…

  • ~ Healing

    ~ Healing

    Essential Point: To be Healed is to remember that you are already Fully Whole as Pure Consciousness. To be Healing is the process of Remembering this, which is the Essence of the Awakening-Journey. Overview: Healing is a nonlinear process of Transcending the illusion of Separation and coming into the undoubtable…

  • Glossary: Full List of Written Teachings

    *This list is updated weekly If you are interested in exploring 1-on-1 Private Coaching & Mentorship to receive personal guidance on how to integrate these teachings into your daily life – apply here – Acceptance Achievement Attachment Attention Alive Awakened-Doing Awakening-Journey Awareness Beauty Being Belief Body Breath Change Challenges Compassion…

  • ~ Yin-Yang

    ~ Yin-Yang

    Essential Point: The symbolism of the Yin-Yang helps you to Transcend the World of polarities by revealing the true interconnectedness of what appears opposite from one another. Overview: On one level, you Exist in what seemingly appears to be a World of polarities. There appears to be good and bad,…

  • ~ Response

    ~ Response

    Essential Point: Response is the Essence of Intelligently replying to a Life situation from the empowered seat of Presence. Overview: A Response is a Conscious reply to a Life situation that is derived from connectedness with Being. Response stands in contrast to Reaction, which is derived from Ego, and serves…

  • ~ Reaction

    ~ Reaction

    Essential Point: Reaction is caused by Identification with the Mind and is evidence of the Ego in control. Overview: Ego is the cause of all Reaction, which is an Unconscious and automatic Mental-Emotional firing that arises from the conditioned Mind. In the Ego state, you are completely reactive, which is…

  • ~ Life

    ~ Life

    Essential Point: In your essence, you are Life, which means that you cannot lose it. Overview: In your Essence, Life is who you are – the unchanging, Eternal, infinite, formlessness of pure Consciousness that is derived directly from Source and empowers the Awareness of experience. Life can also be understood…

  • ~ The Middle Way

    ~ The Middle Way

    Essential Point: The Middle Way is the Mature path of living through which the dance of Human and Being is acknowledged and balanced. Overview: The Middle Way is the art of Successful living as a Human Being, which is Realized through the sustained Awareness and balancing of your Humaneness with…

  • ~ Presence

    ~ Presence

    Essential Point: Presence is the Awakened state of Pure Awareness in which the Conditioned Mind has been Transcended. Overview: Presence is the state of Pure Awareness, which is Realized through Transcendence of the Mind. As such, it is understood as a state of No-Mind, in which Thinking has ceased so…

  • ~ The Past & The Future

    ~ The Past & The Future

    Essential Point: The Past & Future are illusions of the Mind, for The Now is ultimately all that truly exists. Overview: The Past and Future are ultimately illusions of the Mind as The Now is the only Real Time that exists, which in Essence, is Timeless, or beyond the concept…