Category: Uncategorized

  • ~ Self vs self

    ~ Self vs self

    Essential Point: “Self” is one of the many names used to describe the Higher-Level Beingness that you realize you Essentially are, which is the Essence of “Self-Realization,” while “self” is a reference to your lower-level Humanness. Overview: Self, as described with a big “S” refers to the One Self that…

  • ~ Perception

    ~ Perception

    Essential Point: Perception, or “Sense-Perception” is the witnessing of both the inner and outer contents, or Forms, of The Now. It is what you can see, hear, touch, taste, and smell, as well as what you may Think and or Feel in the Present moment. Sense Perception’s Essential purpose is…

  • ~ Reality

    ~ Reality

    Essential Point: Your Level of Consciousness determines your Interpretation of Reality. Pure Consciousness, the Highest Level of Consciousness, points to Absolute Reality, which is beyond Interpretation. Detailed: Reality is what one Believes or Knows to be Real and it is how one experiences the World. Your Level of Consciousness determines…

  • ~ Nonduality

    ~ Nonduality

    Essential Point: The level of Consciousness in which one has Transcended the illusion of Separation and the seeming polarity of the sense-perceived World through Realization of the underlying Oneness of all Existence. Overview: One of the primary Realizations on the Awakening-Journey, which is the Realization of the Oneness of all…

  • ~ Enlightenment

    ~ Enlightenment

    Essential Point: Enlightenment is the process of shedding all illusion until nothing is left but the Light itself. It is your most natural and Essential State of Being, which is accessed through Realization of the One Being. Overview: The Enlightened, or Awakened State, refers to the Essential Realization in and…

  • ~ Love

    ~ Love

    Essential Point: You are Love, which is Realized when you see no other. Overview: It is what you are, and your function as a human is to Realize this and then extend yourself as it. As you continue to ascend on the Awakening-Journey you increasingly come into this Knowingness, with…

  • ~ The Now

    ~ The Now

    Essential Point: As both the content and structure of the Present moment, The Now is ultimately all that exists and it represents the totality of what you are, embodying both the Manifested and Unmanifested Dimensions of your humanness and beingness. Overview: Also known as The Present, or The Present Moment,…

  • ~ I Am.

    ~ I Am.

    See the Audio Companion to this Written Teaching Here! Essential Point: “I Am.” points to the Unmanifested Dimension of Formlessness that underlies and enables all Manifestations of Form. It is perhaps the most simple yet powerful affirmation of Self-Realization. Interestingly, as “I Am” also happens to be first person singular…

  • ~ God

    ~ God

    Essential Point: “God,” as a word invented by humans, is a symbol or signpost, like any other, which points to the Absolute Truth of that which both lies beyond the manifested World and empowers it. It is the underlying, organizing principle that cannot be conceptualized but only intuitively Realized. Overview:…

  • ~ Peace

    ~ Peace

    Essential Point: True Peace arises when you have Dissolved the Ego and so that there is no longer any Resisting Entity to resist the Present moment. It is the resultant State of Being that comes with totally Being in The Now. Peace cannot be achieved or acquired – it can…