Listed in Human Design
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Premium Partner – Verified - http://www.eyecreatelines.com
~ Offerings ~
1-on-1 Liberating Your Mind with Human Design:
~ birth date in minutes and birth location is required ~
60 Minute Sessions
Bridging you from old beliefs to freedom and new stories, in a deep personal call where I focus on You and give you my Projector guidance and space, explain your chart and answer questions. Freeing your Mind – would you like to remove the old stuck and stale debris from your mind and body and start fresh?
- Mind Liberator and Writer of New Stories
- Bridge and Gateway for New Timelines available to You
- Freedom from old software
- Slowing down
- Unplugging from the Pressure
- Primal body Intuition
- Activating your best Genes, removing old stagnation
- Opening up to Trust and Abundance
- Starting over
- New story New narrative
- New timeline New choices
- Clean the cables, Wipe the lense
- Discharge, Balance out
- Break through, Wash away
- Sift and strain, Change filter
- Restart Reboot
- Refresh Replenish
- Unplug
- Format disk
- Spring cleaning
- Summer cleaning
- Winter cleaning
- Tuesday cleaning
- Now cleaning
- Boundless, Reborn
This session is a 1-on-1 Zoom meeting where we remove the old story and you are then free to write a new one as you become open to receiving. I see and guide you to mind, body and emotional freedom from limiting beliefs, labels, anxiety, rushing, not trusting yourself and self-sabotage
- we use Human Design
- we reprogram the use of casting conscious spells with our daily language
- after freeing the old, I can help you with writing your inner story with purpose and a magical vocabulary that makes you feel empowered and see yourself in a new way
- I teach you how to use your voice
- I guide you to find your purpose and tell a new story around it
- we use Archetypes and powerful images and role models to become parts of who you become in the new story
- we open up the body to receive abundance through Fascia Maneuvers, Breathwork, Somatic practices, Clean eating
- When using Human Design, we review your personal chart, answering any questions along the way, and explaining how to best use the information Human Design provides for us.
- what your energy type is
- what your body’s main authority is for making correct decisions
- how to feel it and trust it
- what your strategy is based on your aura for navigating relationships, decisions and life in general
- where your greatest conditioning and blockages may be, how to release them and
- how to turn them into gifts – where you have been most conditioned by your parents, friends, culture, society, media – or anyone and anything throughout your life – and how to become aware of it.
- your profile / archetype in the world
- your personal purpose if you choose to meet it
- your potential strongest genetic expressions and how to access them
- what your ideal environment is
- what your ideal careers might be based on your type
- … and vastly more information if you desire
Energy Exchange Options:
- 1 hour session – $222
- 2 Hour Session or 2 x 1 hour Session – $444
- 3 x 1 hour session – $555 (DISCOUNT)
- 1 Hour + Personally Written Report About You – $333
- 2 Hour Session or 2 x 1 hour Session + 2 Personally Written Reports About You – $600
- 3 x 1 hour session + 3 Personally Written Reports About You – $800
- 1 Hour + Detailed Personally Written Overview + Bullet point Script + Information about Gates, Resources, etc etc – $500
Ultimate Projector Package:
Exclusive for Projector Types in Human Design
10 Coaching sessions 1on1 ( usually 222$ per session ) +Projector Masterclass Audio Course + Text transcript
Energy Exchange: $1111
- Human Design Basics – FREE
Learn the basics and initiate yourself into the Human Design System
About the course – In this course, you’ll learn about the following:
- The four types in Human Design: Generators, Manifestors, Reflectors, and Projectors.
- What do Strategy and Authority mean for each type.
- The 6 Profile lines: Investigator, Hermit, Martyr, Opportunist, Heretic, and Role Model.
- The 9 Centers and their gifts and traps: Root, Sacral, Spleen, Solar Plexus, G Center, Heart Center, Throat, Ajna, and Head.
- Human Design Intermediate – $99
After finishing the Basics, Dive deeper into Strategy, Authority and the 9 energy centers within Human Design.
About the course – Human Design Intermediate is the continuation of the Human Design Basics course. In this course, we will go deeper into Human Design aspects like:
- The 9 energy centers
- Strategy for each energy type
- All the different Authorities
- We will go through each of the 9 centers and explain what it means to have them open and what it means to have them defined.
- We will learn what the gifts, shadows, possible traps, and possible lessons are inherent in the open ones and in the defined ones.
- We will learn how we can tend to our centers and some practical ways to keep them healthy.
- We will learn about the Strategy for every type, and how each type is meant to operate in the world correctly. Generator strategy to respond, Projector strategy to wait for recognition and invitation, Manifestor strategy to inform and then impact, and Reflector strategy to wait for a lunar cycle before making big decisions.
We will explain all the different authorities tied to the centers:
- Sacral authority
- Splenic authority
- Emotional solar plexus authority
- Ego authority
- Self-projected and environmental authority
- Lunar authority
Let us dive deeper into the mechanics of the Human Design system and learn how unique and different each person really is, so we can begin living as our true authentic selves.
Enjoy the course!
- Human Design Advanced – $99
Dive deeper into relationship dynamics, money, and the nuances of your personal bodily uniqueness with Human Design.
About the course – Human Design Advanced is the continuation of the Human Design Intermediate course. In this course, we will go deeper into Human Design aspects like:
- Energy Circuits
- Diet
- Environments
- Cognition
- Definition
- Variables
- Planets and astrology
- Relationship dynamics between energy types
- Relationship dynamics between profiles
- Relationship dynamics within gates and channels
- Love language of each energy type
- Money and how it relates to each energy type
Let us dive even deeper into the mechanics of the Human Design system and learn how unique and different each person really is, so we can begin living as our true authentic selves.
Enjoy the course!
- I-Ching Deep Dive: How To Unlock The 64 Superpowers Of Your DNA Audio Course – Complementary Course for Human Design and Gene Keys: $111
About the Course – Building on the shoulders of giants like The Human Design System, Gene Keys and various interpretations and translations of the 64 Hexagrams of the I-Ching, this course explains the unconscious expressions of our DNA and how we can make them conscious, and therefore unlock the superpowers inherent in all of them, helping us evolve and be of service to humanity in the New Age.
Each lesson is a 6-10 minute distilled and shortened version of all these modalities blended into one explanation of each Gate / Hexagram. It can be used as a companion to explain all your Gates in Human Design chart / Gene keys chart, or for those who want to explore the I CHING separately and get an overview of the background energies that influence and move our world.
- Projector Masterclass Audio Course – $111
A comprehensive and deep guide for all Projectors within the Human Design system
About the course – Projector Human Design Masterclass is for everyone opening themselves up to receptivity and stepping into the Projector essence.
This course is aimed specifically for Projector types in the Human Design System, however all other types can benefit greatly from this course as they can understand the Projector type in more detail and that gives insight for better relationships with them.
The course explains the mechanics of the Projector aura field and gives tips and tricks on how to master it and keep it healthy.
Boundaries, energy clearing and discharging, anchors in the body and visualizations.
The course covers relationships, with yourself first and then with other types, how to engage and maintain yourself, what to focus on and then how to come back home into your unique frequency when disengaged.
The course explains the importance of environment, nature, self love, professions for Projectors and many other useful topics.
Breathwork / Fascia Maneuvers Coaching:
I teach Breathwork and Fascia Maneuvers to help clients release stress from their bodies and reset their nervous system. As a Human Garage Coach and Fascilitator I offer 1 on 1 sessions either through Zoom or In Person. Teaching and leading guided movement calls online through Zoom Calls, and also in person treatments anywhere in the world. If you wish for treatments and you cant leave your place of living there are options for me to come to you. For the In Person sessions please mention where you are in the world in addition to anything else about you, and we can go from there.
Energy Exchange:
- 111$ per hour
- 444$ for 5 hours discount
I am a storyteller wanderer, an artist and a child of this life, always wanting to learn and evolve and make friends to play in this big sandbox with.
After many years of weed, cigarette, alcohol, food, video games and porn addictions I realized my physical body was decaying, my emotional body was full of dense electricity that kept me stuck, my mental body was confined through conditioning and my spirit was suffocating from consumption.
Through trauma and later on communion with the world of psychedelics, I recognized my purpose as an ambassador and translator of the underground network of etheric mycelium, the earths nervous system that I believe sprouted human beings as its most evolved form.
I went into Qi Gong, Herbalism, Elemental theory and then Human Design. I implemented all those modalities and many more along the years and now, I make Audio Courses, teach Human Design 1 on 1, host community calls and do live sessions where we move and release stress from the body and answer questions about emotional and mental health, relationships and all things holistic.
Using these skills, knowledge and my humbling life experiences I seek to free those who are ready, from the shadow frequencies placed upon us since childhood through conditioning of culture, society, education and emotional trauma.
There is no rush, nature accomplishes everything in its own rhythms, who are we but little turtles flowing and dancing with no support net other than our own imagination.
All my offerings, services and opportunities can be found on my website www.eyecreatelines.com
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Eye Create Lines is one of the most unique Beings I’ve met in this incarnation, and I say that with the most positive sentiment and respect. He lives, breathes, and embodies Human Design unlike anyone else I know and provides a rare interpretation of the modality that yields life long followers and supporters. If Human Design is your thing I recommend you trying out some of his offerings – many are free for you to enjoy and benefit from.
Eye Create Lines introduced me to Human Design and I was fascinated by the transmission itself, but also the way he communicates and interprets it! He’s so clear in his understanding of Human Design and is such a great guide on how to live using your chart to empower you! 🙏