Listed in Emotion Code
I love short-legged, potato-shaped animals (wombats, guinea-pigs etc.), they bring me so much joy!
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- https://embodiedalchemy.co.uk/
~ Offerings ~
The Emotion Code:
Description: The Emotion Code® by Dr Bradley Nelson is an energy-based modality to release negative trapped emotions from your body. Unprocessed emotions (aka our emotional baggage) can trap us in unwanted behaviours & mindsets.
Through muscle testing, I am able to find and release any trapped emotion that may cause an imbalance in your body. By removing the negative vibration, we can support our body and energy field to come back into balance, process new emotions easier and fully experience positive emotions on a daily basis.
Duration: 45 Minutes
Energy Exchange: £50/$65
Reiki & Energy Healing:
Description: Bring your body, mind & spirit back into harmony. Reiki’s Universal life force energy will flow through your energy field and will raise your vibration to a higher level by clearing negative thoughts & feelings from your energy field and physical body.
It allows you to feel healthier & more relaxed. A session will always be intuitively guided and includes different energy healing modalities such as Reiki, Violet Flame Healing, Shamanic Healing, chakra clearing & balancing and advanced energy healing techniques.
Duration: 30 Min
Energy Exchange: £40/$50
Spiritual Life Coaching / Self-Leadership Coaching:
Description: Self-leadership is about understanding who you are, what you desire from life and intentionally guiding yourself towards it. It’s about learning how to trust & follow your internal guidance system rather than making choices driven by external sources.
In Julia’s coaching sessions you are being guided to find your authentic voice & expression, to come back home to yourself and connect to the wisdom within. Julia’s unique approach creates lasting change because the deep work is done on all levels – physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.
Duration: 60 Minutes
Energy Exchange: £80/$105
Julia is a Space Holder, Intuitive Healer, Guide & modern Medicine Woman, guiding you to remember your truth and authentic expression so you can feel alive & turned on by this human experience! She is passionate about helping people step out of the box, pave their own path & find their unique expression. Her work is focused around cultivating a healthy relationship with yourself and reawakening your Sacral Chakra, including themes like womb healing, personal power, creativity, sensuality & sexuality, pleasure & passion.
She went through her own healing journey after experiencing high levels of anxiety and nearly daily panic attacks while working in an immunology research lab. Using Reiki, energy healing and The Emotion Code modality helped her to feel empowered and grounded which led her to supporting others on their own awakening journey.
Certification-The-Emotion-Code-Level-1.pdf (1.74 MB)
Certificate-Reiki-II.pdf (821.10 KB)
Certificate-Advanced-Healing.pdf (508.38 KB)
Compassion-focused-Coaching-Cert.pdf (217.58 KB)
Certificate-Violet-Flame.pdf (536.49 KB)
Certificate-Shamanic-Practitioner.pdf (510.88 KB)
Certificate-Akashic-Records.pdf (547.53 KB)
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Thank you so much Julia, this session was more than I ever expected! I was hesitant about the potency of virtual healing sessions, but you have a genuine gift for tapping into energy fields, and I could feel your presence in my aura. You identified and pulled out emotions I had completely suppressed or not even been aware of, many which had been causing physical pain for years that I now fell has eased considerably. I feel so light and relieved…! I think there is even more to resolve in my body – would be so happy to do another session when I’ve rested through this healing process. Thank you so much!
Julia is genuinely insightful, talented and incredibly knowledgeable. She instantly creates a deep rooted trust in her and her ability that helps to create such a safe and nurturing container. She holds space beautifully, allowing your own journey and spirit to lead with her guidance and leadership in the spiritual realm. I cannot recommend working with Julia enough, I have just completed a magical 6 week journey with her, have attended her Goddess circles and I will be signing up to continue my journey with her further.
I hadn’t done an Emotion Code session before, so I really had no idea what to expect. Julia had great recommendations from people I know and the idea that trauma is stored in the body really resonated with me, so I wanted to give it a try. Straight away Julia helped me to feel calm and comfortable. I laughed at points because what came up was so accurate. It really helped me to understand myself better and see connections between past experiences and myself now that I hadn’t seen before. Afterwards I felt so light, happy and open to the world around me.